
Review: Unexpected Gifts/Unexpected Endings

by Elena Aitken
unexpected gifts Unexpected endings

“You don’t need weeks and months to fall in love; you just need the right two people and the perfect circumstance.”
- Unexpected Gifts

Title: Unexpected Gifts/Unexpected Endings
Author: Elena Aitken
Publisher: Ink Blot Communications
Book: #1 and #2.5 of Castle Mountain Lodge
Genre: Romance
Found: Kindle
Rating: 2 Voodoos

Unexpected Gifts

Christmas represents everything Andi Williams is supposed to have, and doesn’t. Running away to a remote mountain lodge in the Canadian Rockies, sounds like the perfect way to escape, until a mix-up finds her sharing a villa with sexy, rough around the edges, Colin Hartford.

Colin’s determination to enjoy the holiday he’s missed for the last five years, sweeps Andi into a season of joy that she’s not sure she’s ready for. Can Andi open herself up to everything the holidays have to offer… including love?


There was a whole bunch of no’s in this book. Or at least what I first thought of as no’s. In the end perhaps not a wise choice, but not as NO! as I first thought. The first is a friends ex – don’t go there! Though, if you’re not ACTUALLY friends, that’s not so bad…? Also the arrogant ex whose determined that you’re still theirs. A cliche and terrible plot device – even if my writer side thinks that it’s such a good one! I live seeing them get taken down! haha. And then there was the NOT TALKING! At least the best friend suggested the talking and it seemed to work.

Despite the fast moving love, this was pretty nice. It was well written and I found the characters enjoyable even if they were stubborn and fixated on how things had been instead of how things were.
Plus I’m totally jealous of the snow.

Unexpected Endings

Return to the beautiful, rustic and romantic Castle Mountain Lodge and catch up with Andi and Colin who prove that sometimes Unexpected Gifts have equally Unexpected Endings.


This was not the cutsy thing I was expecting to be honest with you. It wasn’t really that good at all. It was a little disjointed and off and again with the no talkie! Luckily it works out.

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