Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Remind Us of Ourselves


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.
It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This weeks topic is Top Ten Characters That Remind Us of Ourselves


To be honest, I don’t often see myself in the characters I read about, generally because they’re badarse warriors, or sometimes illogical messes and while I like to think I have a certain amount of logic but I can’t claim any badarse. So this is a really loose list…

1 Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

by JK Rowling

My personality isn’t so much a Hermione, but when I first read Harry Potter, I sure did look like her!
The major difference between us is that I discovered my frizzy hair was actually curls! Maybe she did later in life, I hope so, curls would be such a power move for her.

2 Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter

by JK Rowling

 I look nothing like Luna, but I do have a similar habit of saying odd things at random moments – sometimes even blurting out the obvious. More often than not these days, it’s just in my head.
She is, of course, far more advanced in the world of Ravenclaw but I hope to learn from her great wisdom.

3 Daine from the Immortals quartet

by Tamora Pierce

I loved reading about Daine, with her brown curls she was just like me!
I was rather put out every time a brush went anywhere near them though…you don’t brush curls if you want them to stay curls…

4 Claire Fraser from Outlander

by Diana Gabaldon

Yeah, ok she’s way smarter than me, far more educated too – it’s the hair again. Any time there’s brown curls I get so excited.
And I’d happily partner up with a tall, kind, red-haired Scottish man to make the likeness far more realistic…

5 Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice

by Jane Austen

Lizzy was sensible and liked books, I sure hope I’m sensible and I sure do like books!








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