
Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Tropes


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.
It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This weeks topic is Top Ten Favourite Tropes ( Commonly used theme or plot device)


1 Hate to Love

I like watching characters who start off not getting along go through the realisation that, actually so-and-so isn’t so bad and actually they’re kinda cute and oh my stars when did I fall in love with them?!

2 Friends to Lovers

I also like friends to lovers, whether by accident or design. Not as part of  a love triangle or anything. Nope. More of a ‘oh, hi, you’re you. When did friend love become romantic love’? Or a ‘All of my possible romances have paled in comparison to being with you, lets date!’

3 Fauxships

Fake romances – sort of, sometimes they can be so cringy! and I have enough of my own anxiety to worry about their too. But sometimes there’s a great one. Fake friendships for publicity can be fun – become real friends or even lovers in the end. Sometimes when coupled with hate-to-love it can be a bit harsh, but it works out so that’s not so bad.

4 [Soul]mates

So, instalove doesn’t bother me too much – but I happen to love it if there’s an established reason. Age old lovers reincarnated over and over. Souls split in two and placed in two bodies (wasn’t that the original theory on love?). One sniff of their scent and you know, one look in their eyes etc etc.
Not so much where the soulmate/mate/destined one of a character is already with another. that feels like a betrayal! Poor character.

5 The Chosen One

I’ve seen people complain about books having a Chosen One – but honestly, what would be the point of writing a book about the chosen one’s goat farming second cousin? Unless you enjoy reading about goats of course.
I like chosen one stories because they tell us that if just one person stands up, others will too. Also they turn out to be some pretty interesting people.








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4 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Tropes

  1. lydiaschoch

    I think the friends to lovers trope is a lot of fun to read. :)

    My TTT

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