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Review: Sleepless

by Lou Morgan


Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Publish Date: 

‘How well does anyone ever know their friends.’ Loc 2377

Title: Sleepless
Author: Lou Morgan
Book: Standalone
Published by: Little Tiger Group
Genre: YA, Thriller
Found: Netgalley
Rating: 3 Voodoos

Young, rich and good-looking, Izzy and her friends lead seemingly perfect lives. But exams are looming – and at a school like Clerkenwell, failure is not an option. Luckily, Tigs has a solution. A small pill that will make revision a breeze and help them get the results they need. Desperate to succeed, the group begin taking the study drug.

It doesn’t take long before they realize there are far worse things than failing a few exams.

I totally read all of this in one sitting. It reminded me a lot of Limitless (the Bradley Cooper film). A bunch of school friends take a drug to allow them to stay awake and absorb all of their revision notes so that they can successfully pass all of their exams. What they, like Bradley Coopers character don’t consider is the side effects that may come, from taking untested, unknown, possibly illegal drugs. And as you may expect there are some terrible side effects.

I found the idea and the general creepiness of the story as the side-effects start to take control, really interesting. I loved how it effected each of the characters differently. My only problem was that I never really connected with the characters, perhaps this was just me but I felt that some of the characters were a little flat eg Mia, Dom and Grey. As a result I didn’t enjoy the book as much as I had hoped. The pace was also a little slow in places. But all in all it was good and it’s nothing like anything else I have read in the YA category and on that basis I would recommend it.

Sleepless is one of a series of stand-alones that Little Tiger Group have put together. This series includes Flesh and Blood by Simon Cheshire, Bad Bones by Graham Marks and Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell. As I have already read, and enjoyed, Frozen Charlotte and this one I can’t wait to get my hands of the other two!



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