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While Reading: Red Queen

red queenpamsupdate

“What about me? About–” I hold out my hands, glaring at the infernal things — “this?” page 92

It was Ms4Tune’s turn to read this book first in a repeat of what we did with Sacrificed by Emily Wibberley (Ms4Tune’s review can be found HERE and mine HERE). However she was struggling and she wasn’t sure if it was the book or too much High Fantasy at once so I picked up the book and sought to solve the mystery. I found the build up to be quite interesting but I’ve sort of stalled at page 92. Everything is set up and while this book hasn’t followed the stereotypical pattern, I feel it’s going to stick close.

I’m reluctant to read on as it feels that the rest of the book will be just the main character falling in love with everyone and people being mean to her. But as Ms4Tune had progressed further than I, she’s reassured me as much as she can without giving anything away so we’ll have to see.

I will be returning to this book once I’ve finished my latest Review Book.


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