

We happily welcome requests, from authors, publishers, agents and interested parties, either advance copies, newly released or even older books. ebooks are easier to receive but we do love our paper books!

We primarily read: Paranormal, YA, NA, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, Fairytales, Fairytale retellings,  
We occasionally read: Historical Fiction, mystery, thriller, horror, teen books,
We NEVER read: Non fiction, self-help, Religious Fiction, children’s books,

Not everyone gets on with every story all the time. We reserve the right to turn down any books that we feel are not compatible with our reading preferences. Half hearted reviews will help neither you nor us.

Our honest opinions are always given and we will try to be constructive. Any feelings we have against the stories in no way reflect our feelings towards the author or any of their other work. Our rating system is currently not up, but we hope to get around to this soon.
Sometimes you can’t finish a book or you put it down and never pick it up again. This just happens. Not everyone is compatible with every book or writing style. We will use our digression whether we post a blog entry as to why. The author/publishers/agents will be notified.

Reviews will also be posted on goodreads, please state any other sites you’d like us to post our reviews and we will attempt to comply. Please note we are a UK based website and that some book sites may be regional.

We do not endorse any book or product mentioned by us and we will not accept compensation for any review we write.

We are open to hosting giveaways.

If you would like any more information please contact us.

4 comments on “Policies

    1. Paein

      Hi, I dont know if you’ll read this, but thank you. We’ve resubmitted

    1. Paein

      Thank you!

      Thanks for stopping by too ( :

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