
Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Could Re-Read Forever


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.
It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This weeks topic is Top Ten Books We Could Re-Read Forever


I’m a serial re-reader. For some reason I hardly ever retain much information about the books I read and so I always need to re-read a series when a new book comes out. I like re-reading books though, it feels nice, almost snuggly.

the coldest girl in coldtown the false prince simon vs the homosapiens agenda special narnia cinder

1 The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

By Holly Black

Are you surprised? Haha I love this book! Can I re-read it again now?
I’ve already lost track of how many times I’ve re-read it. I try to limit it to once a year but sometimes I just have to pick it u and go over my favourite parts…

2 The False Prince

by Jennifer Nielson

Actually, the whole series is as clever as this first one, I just always forget it when thinking about them. Definitely time for a re-read then! Especially as I might have only read the last one once…

3 Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda

By Becky Albertalli

Sometimes you just need to wrap up warm and read about two people falling in love. With minimum drama, this is a great one for that.
This makes the list because I re-read it after I read it. Partially because I was looking at it anew, knowing who Blue was, but also because Simon falling in love was sweet.
I want to see the film, so I’ll definitely be re-reading this one after that!

4 The Chronicles of Narnia

by CS Lewis

This is a little cheat because I’ve only read them once, but I’ve listened to the dramatised audio books hundreds of times – and I really don’t think I’m exaggerating. They were my absolute favourites as a child and I’m really considering listening to them again once I’ve finished Game of Thrones, which actually should be today!

5 The Lunar Chronicles

by Marissa Meyer

I’ve re-read these once already and I’m looking forward to re-reading them again. Fairytales in space! What’s not to love?
Every time I think Kai will be my favourite, maybe Wolf and every time Thorne surprises me into loving him best.


Paein and I had this very discussion the other night. She’s a re-reader and I’m not. I don’t know why but I always want to read something new. So I’ve never really re-read anything… but if I was going to re-read something I think it would have to be these…

harry potter and the philosophers stone illustrated edition forbidden game nightworld 1 the cruel prince The Obsession

6 Harry Potter

by J K Rowling

I have actual plans to re-read this series. I have a little girl now and I bought her the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. I’m hoping to read it to her first (so I can practice voices etc – and refresh my memory) and then re-read them again when she’s older and can flick through the pictures while I read it. (That’s the plan anyway).

7 The Forbidden Games

by L J Smith

I have such fond memories of this series and I would love to re-read it and love it just as much… only thing is… what if I don’t! That’s scary stuff that is. I could ruin my child hood memories… but Julian is just too tempting. I think I will have to re-read these.

8 The Nightworld Series

by L J Smith

Oooow actually I have re-read these!!! So I have re-read something YAY! And I loved them just as much the second time around so maybe there is hope for still loving The Forbidden Games too…. Hmmm. Definitely re-reading these again.

9 The Cruel Prince

by Holly Black

I read this recently and I would actually really like to read it again… like right now.

10 The Obsession

by Nora Roberts

I don’t think thrillers make for great re-reading cos the surprise is kinda taken out of them. On the other hand this Thriller, Romance, New Beginnings combo book would totally make my re-read pile. I really liked Nora Roberts’ style and loved her characters. Problem is I know she’s written a million other books and I kinda want to read some of them so I doubt I will get round to re-reading this one anytime soon.

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5 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Could Re-Read Forever

  1. Astilbe

    The Chronicles of Narnia become better every time I reread them. I especially like finding all the moments of foreshadowing that were stuck into certain scenes.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  2. proxyfish

    Great list! :D

    The Chronicles of Narnia are a absolute childhood favourite and I used to re-read and listen to them on audiobook all the time! I don’t think they ever get old.

    My TTT