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TTT: ten fictional families I’d like to celebrate Thanksgiving with.


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that other bloggers are welcome to join in, to create Top Ten lists on varying topics. This week it’s ten fictional families I’d like to celebrate Thanksgiving with.


harry potter

1 The Weasleys from Harry Potter by JK Rowling

Oh, come on, if you didn’t at least consider them then why not?! I’d also love to spend the day with the Order of the Phoenix or the Marauders and Lily.

circle of magic

2 Everyone in Disapline Cottage (as well as the Duke) from The Circle of Magic quartet by Tamora Pierce

They’re not related, but they’re a family. They may forget it every now and then, but they eventually remember. Never mess with them, they wont allow it.

Chesapeake Bay Saga

3 The Quinn Brothers from the Chesapeake Bay saga by Nora Roberts

I’ve said it before, I love her family dynamics. I’ve also said before that I love THIS family the most, even though, like the choice above, they’re not biologically related, they’re one of the closest families ever.


4 The Maccon family from The Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger

Because she’s soulless, he’s a werewolf and then there is their child and it’s ‘official’ guardian….If you’ve read the books I need say no more, if you haven’t read them, I cant say more or else I’ll give away too much.

sailor moon

5 The Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi

Because that would just be hilarious. Especially if it was the now bunch and not the future bunch. But I’d love to experience both, to see how they grow but also because both are amazing.



6 The Benedict Family

from Joss Stirling’s, The Benedicts Series

I would love to join these guys (preferably as a soul-mate to one of the boys- Trace, Uriel, Victor, Will, Xav, Yves and Zed). But to be honest, Karla and Saul (Mum and Dad) would be enough for a great Thanks-giving. They are the most positive and accepting parents ever! All they want for their 7 sons is for them to find their soulmates and live a happy life.

lords of the

7 The Lords

from Gena Showalter’s, The Lords of the Underworld Series

The Lords aren’t biologically related but they act like a family and that’s what matters to me. They support and protect each other. I’d love to have them pamper me…(And they are all hot as hell so I’d have eye candy to stare at…)

daughter of

8 Karou and the Chimera

from Laini Taylor’s, Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series

I would just like to spend time with the Chimera and Karou. I’d have to hope that Karou was cooking cos I doubt I’d want to eat any of the strange Chimera delicacies… It would be an amazing day though…

me before you 2

9 The Clark Family

from Jojo Moyes’, Me Before You Series

 Now this family reminds me of my own family! Slightly dysfunctional but still close. Yes we argue but we still love each other.

5th wave

10 The Sullivan Family

from Rick Yancey’s, The 5th Wave Series

This explanation contains spoilers LOOK AWAY if you don’t want to find out…

So I’d love to see how this family enjoyed their time together, pre-invasion. If a father could sacrifice his life to save his children and a sister could travel miles to find and protect her brother then this family must have had a strong family bond. I’d like to see how they were before.

pamspaein pamsms4tune


7 comments on “TTT: ten fictional families I’d like to celebrate Thanksgiving with.

  1. elenasquareeyes

    You’re right! The Weasley’s automatically have a spot when it comes to favourite families! I hadn’t thought about Cassie Sullivan and her family, with how loyal and strong they all are their Thanksgivings must have been lovley.
    My Top Ten  Tuesday.

  2. Allyson

    This is a great list! Of course the Weasleys have to make the list! But I never would have considered the Sailor Scouts, and now that’s all I want :p Of course, spending time with Usagi around any food-based holiday would be fun :p

    My TTT.

  3. Danni Mae

    I love it when I see a list of books I’ve heard of but never read! It makes me realize how many good books I have to look forward to. The only book I’ve read on your list is the Harry Potter series, and I totally agree with having the Weasleys for Thanksgiving! In fact, I’m pretty sure they’d be the first bookish characters I’d want to share Thanksgiving with!

  4. Emma Hunter

    Lovely post! I would most definitely love to live with the Weasley’s they would be great fun, especially Fred and George causing mischief and Mrs Weasley’s awesome jumpers at Christmas!!! :D Here is my TTT post @ Emma’s Bookery ,of Ten Authors I’m Thankful For if you would like to check it out! Hope you’re having a great week so far! :D xx

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