
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters we’d Love To Revisit 10 Years Later


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that other bloggers are welcome to join in, to create Top Ten lists on varying topics. This weeks prompt was “Ten Childhood Characters You’d Love To Revisit As Adults (ie a novella or something to see what they grew up to be) — you could always just pick YA characters you’ve read recently you wouldn’t mind revisiting in 10 years or so. Or you could pick 10 characters and guess what you think they’d be doing in 10 years or 20 years. OR you could go the other way and wish for coming of age stories for adult characters you love.” So we’ve gone for Top Ten Characters we’d Love To Revisit 10 Years Later.


The girl of fire and thorns Winner's Curse the coldest girl in coldtown secret vampire Narnia

1 Rosario from Fire and Thorns

by Rae Carson

I was going to put Elisa and Hector, but then I was reading through my reviews and I remembered Rosario. He was a child through these books and only 7 at the end. While I’d LOVE to see what happened with Elisa and Hector, I’d also love to see how Rosario got on. And, seeing who he became at 17 would tell a lot about Elisa and Hector too, sort of a 3 for one deal that I had to sneak in there. Because while I’m curious as to what Elisa did next, I think I’d like to see how Rosario turned out with Hector and Elisa as parents. I bet he was spectacular.

2 Kestrel and Arin from Winners Trilogy

by Marie Rutkoski

It doesn’t even have to be 10 years, 10 day would be fine…I was a little concerned with how we left them see, was it all REALLY over? I hope that in 10 years peace has been established and they’re all living happily ever after, because after all that pain and loss nothing else is acceptable.

3 Tana and Gavriel from Coldest Girl in Coldtown

by Holly Black

This is another book with a sort of vague ending. Did she? Didn’t she?! It may sound horrid, but I hope she didn’t. I want the future that Gavriel came up with as an alternative, because I get the feeling she’s never quite fit in and I think that life would help her find out who she is. I also think it would help Gavriel to remember who he is too. So I’d love to see them with that future 10 years later, because they’d be kick arse.

4 All the gang from The Nightworld Series

by L.J.Smith

Still waiting for the last book in this series…(totally won a ‘well I’ve been waiting THIS long’ argument with this one the other day) and it’s getting to the point where it’s probably going to be a series I complete just for the closure because the storyline has apparently changed now. Everything was about “at the millennium” but I’ve heard that there was a re-print where it said ‘just after the millennium’ or something which I found a little annoying as you get books set in the past, it’s fine just leave it. The blurb for the last book is different now too which I’m not happy about and I’m sure I saw that L.J is writing a book set in the possible future, which I’m not sure how I feel about. I just want the end book and a happy ending and to see how all these people fair 10 years later. Even though it’s now nearly 20 years later…

5 Susan from The Chronicles of Narnia

by C.S. Lewis

I loved Narnia (still do despite the really bad films – What did you do to Peter in Caspian?! You broke him and ruined my favourite that’s what.) but while I was never a fan of Susan, I do wonder what became of her because we never really found out. We sort of theoretically know what happened to everyone else, but not her. I’d like to know.


Hunger Games lost dogs vengeance rd november 9 Loki variation

6 Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games Series

by Suzanne Collins

I want to know everything that has happened since the end of Mocking Jay. I know we had a glimpse at the very end but I want to know EVERYTHING. How structure was rebuilt, whether they were still known as districts or whether they were allowed to set up completely differently, basically I just want to know how they continued after. It may be boring to many people but I felt so connected with the characters that I find it hard to let them go.

7 Natalie and Johnny from Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts

by Lucy Dillon

And Rachel and George… basically everyone. I loved this story so much. If you own a dog this book will sum up just how life changing a dog can be. All the characters in Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts are broken but by choosing a dog best suited to their personalities, they all start to rebuild/start their lives a new and find the fun and joy in them. I’d love to see all these characters again. Especially Natalie and Johnny and Bertie the Beagle just because their story was just so sad and yet Bertie made me laugh sooo much.

8 Kate Thompson from Vengeance Road

by Erin Bowman

I can’t imagine that Kate Thompson just returned to her farm after exacting revenge for her murdered father. I can image she would be a lot like Bilbo Baggins ‘I think I’m quite ready for another adventure.’

9 Fallon and Ben from November 9

by Colleen Hoover

In November 9 we saw 5 years of these two almost getting together. I’d love to see whether they stayed together 10 years down the line. Whether they got married, had kids? Achieved their dreams… or whether it was just to much for them and they never saw each other again? There are so many things that could happen in a relationship that I would really like to see where these two ended up after all the drama had died down.

10 Derek and Sasha from The Loki Variation

by Sabrina James Riley

The Loki Variation is very similar to 28 Days. There’s a virus that turns people into raging monsters and its all about how a small group of people try to survive in a frightening new world. This was brilliantly scary. There were moments in this book that chilled me to the core. I always thought there would be a sequel to the Loki Variation because there is a huge cliffhanger of an ending, but there just wasn’t! Seriously nothing! Not even a hint of a sequel so I would just love to find out what happened to Derek and Sasha and Nora too! Did America find a cure? Did they survive 10 years? Just something PLEASE!

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5 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters we’d Love To Revisit 10 Years Later

  1. rhodak

    YES! I totally want an update on Kestrel & Arin – I’m not ready to let them go yet! x

    1. Paein

      I agree! that ending was a little too open…

    1. Paein

      I would be so excited even if it was just a few page novella, anything Tana and Gavriel would be fantastic. But I’d also be scared that it didn’t go the way I wanted. I have the whole next part planned out in my head now XD

      Aww, Arty! I thought of having Artemis Fowl on my list, but I’m yet to read the end of the series! And Mae is such a nice idea. Great list

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