
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Yummy Foods Mentioned In Books


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that other bloggers are welcome to join in, to create Top Ten lists on varying topics. This week it’s Top Ten Yummy Foods Mentioned In Books (Does a character eat something you’d love? Or maybe the book takes place in a bakery/restaurant that makes yummy things? You could also talk about 10 of your favourite cookbooks if you don’t read foody books.)


turkish delight cullen skink dire wolf bread cheese bunns breakfast-bubble-and-squeak

1 Turkish Delight – The Chronicles of Narnia

by CS Lewis

I was never sure if I liked Turkish Delight as a child, the texture is weird, but I ate it because it was from Narnia and eating it meant I could relate! I’m still not convinced I like it, but I do get excited when I find it!

2 Cullen skink – Outlander

By Diana Gabaldon.

If you don’t know what this is, it’s a thick soup made from haddock, potatoes and onions. It can be a heavy, comforting food and I rather like it, despite not being a massive fan of fish! (my ancestors would be disappointed, but there are just too many bones and it doesn’t smell that appetising…)

3 Direwolf bread – A Song of Ice and Fire

by George R R Martian

I haven’t got this far in the books yet to be honest, but I certainly have in the show! In that, this was a fresh loaf of bread that Hot Pie made for Arya. Fresh bread in the shape of a large, wise wolf? Yes please!

4 Cheese buns – The Hunger Games

By Suzanne Collins

Peeta makes cheese buns?! How did I forget this?! I love cheese and bread, so together they’d be magical!!

5 Bubble and squeak – The Wind in the Willows

by Kenneth Grahame

I haven’t read TWITW in my adult life but I know as much or more about it than other books I read/ was read as a child so I’m confident I can claim to have read it sometime. I was trying to choose books I knew I’d read, but I love bubble and squeak so I couldn’t pass this one up.
I always understood bubble and squeak to be left over potato and cabbage from Sunday dinner, fried up for breakfast on the Monday morning! But I think it can be any form of left over vegetables fried up. Very nice with sausages…


pie stuffed pork chops BeefGoulash galette des roisPumpkin-Pasties

6 Pies! – Lola and the Boy Next Door

I love the scene where Lola is trying to help her dad make a huge number of pies for an order someone placed last minute. Can you imagine the chaos as they tried to make fillings, make and roll out pastry and then essemble a ridiculous number of pies? Imagine the smell!!!! Mmmmm. I want to start baking right now…

7 Stuffed Pork Chops, Mediterranean-style -  The Obsession

Nina grew up with two uncles who ran a restaurant so she is pretty fancy when it comes to throwing something together for dinner. But when Nina made Stuffed Pork Chops (Mediterrean-Style) with roasted herb potatoes, sauteed asparagus and pretzel bread followed by vanilla bean creme brulee, my mouth literally watered! I wish my significant other could throw together a meal like that!

8 Tea, Pastries and Goulash – Daughter of Smoke and Bone

I remember reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone and wishing I could visit Prague. I seem to remember the tea came with sugar and cream labelled ‘Arsenic and Strychnine’ (awesome…) and that Karou could just pop into little bakeries and cafes all over the place and pick up croissants and other pastries… erm YUM! But I remember thinking how amazing a simple bowl of goulash sounded when Karou and Zuzana ordered it for dinner in the quirky little cafe they go to.

9 Awesome Hot Chocolate and Galette Des Rois – Christmas at the Little Beach Street Bakery

Oh my days, as if it wasn’t amazing enough to read a romance set at a bakery in Cornwall… Jenny Colgan actually includes recipes, at the end of this book, for some of the amazing things they serve at the cafe! Oh gosh, amazing! So now I can make my own Awesome Hot Chocolate (made with actual melted milk chocolate) and the amazing puff pastry, almondy things called Galette Des Rois. YES!!!

10 Literally anything from the Lunch Trolley or Honeydukes – Harry Potter

I think everyone has imagined getting on the Hogwarts Express and ordering the whole content of the Lunch Trolley, just like Harry Does in The Philosophers Stone. If I ever get the chance to visit Harry Potter world…Chocolate Frogs, Every flavour Beans and Pumpkin Pasties are at the top of my ‘To Try’ list along with a large mug of Butterbeer.

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7 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Yummy Foods Mentioned In Books

  1. heather

    I think Turkish Delight only still gets made because it reminds everyone of Narnia. It doesn’t seem like anyone actually likes it. I run a monthly link up for books about food. You are welcome to link up your post at http://www.spiritblog.net/october-2017-foodies-read/. We have a monthly giveaway for books about food awarded by a draw from all the reviews posted.

  2. Cholla

    Hahaha re: Harry Potter. Fantasy novels always have the most interesting sounding foods in them! Your mention of bubble and squeak takes me back to the early days of the Food Network, back before it became what it is now. There were these two, old English ladies on this show called Two Fat Ladies and the first thing I ever watched them make was bubble and squeak. Excellent list this week!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  3. Jessica

    Oh my goodness, I love so much of your list–but especially Direwolf Bread, Peeta’s Cheese Buns, the PIE and of course the Harry Potter stuff. So much swooning. Now, I kind of want bread too. I’ve never been altogether fond of Turkish Delight but I always wanted so badly to be back when I was obsessed with Narnia but alas! I still kind of want to try it every once and a while to see if my tastes have changed haha. Also, that soup from Outlander looks so good… I wish I could stomach fish :( Wah!

    Oops, I’m rambling sorry!

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