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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters You Just Didn’t Click With


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that other bloggers are welcome to join in, to create Top Ten lists on varying topics. This week it’s Ten Characters You Just Didn’t Click With


defytrustthe onepaper townsdays of blood and starlight

This is a hard one, generally when I don’t get on with a book it’s writing style or plot. If I’ve not clicked with a character, then I don’t remember  or the story has been well enough presented that I’ve not minded our difference of opinion (for this is normal in the world) and I’ve had to dig deep and stretch a little to find these.

1 Alexa from Defy

by Sara B. Larson

I found Alexa particularly annoying, but I do think half of that was because the type of girl she apparently was would never have chosen or survived the situation she was in. She was not a tomboy and yet she grew up learning the sword and spent the rest of her life disguised as a boy. I couldn’t deal with her whining and obsession that she was, in fact a girl, not a boy. (in case you missed it the first 50 times this worried her.)

2 Anna from Trust

The first chapter of this book has Anna telling us exactly how smart she is. The rest of the book is her proving herself wrong. Ok, she was sheltered, but she was taught things she should have been able to adapt to the situations she was in. I don’t know even half of what she did, but even I’d have reacted better!

3 America from The One (Maybe The whole Selection Series?)

She finds herself in the Selection when she doesn’t want to be. Then she changes her mind and wants to participate. She TELLS Maxon to still ‘date’ the other girls just in case, because she’s too scared to work out if she’s changed her mind/to tell him she has, then gets upset that he see’s everyone but her! She vows to fight for him, then does nothing. She is just unbelievable. I’m waiting for the last book, to see if her daughter is as much of an idiot…

4 Margo/Quentin from Paper Towns

I didn’t quite get this book, I’m not sure if it was because of the characters or what, but I choose to believe it’s because I didn’t understand them.

Karou from Days of Blood and Starlight

I feel like the only person who hasn’t enjoyed this series, but I just could’t connect with Karou in the second book at all. So much (that I never got around to reading) could have been avoided if she’d…I don’t know, thought about it. I have the gift/curse to see both sides of an argument, (Even when I’m in the argument – which can be wholly annoying.)  and the fact that Karou couldn’t see Akiva’s point of view AT ALL, drove me up the wall.



. Crystal Kingdom No Where But Here ThirteenReasonsWhy Unhinged you me and other people

6 Bryn from Crystal Kingdom

by Amanda Hocking

It was only in the last book of Amanda Hocking’s The Kanin Chronicles that I felt out with Bryn. She just seemed to become more bossy.
Here are my thoughts on Bryn from my original review of Crystal Kingdom:

“I can’t say I was the biggest fan of Bryn in this latest installment of the Kanin Chronicles. I found her compulsive and irrational. She seemed to jump in before thinking anything through properly. She constantly ordered other people around, including royalty.”

7 Emily from Nowhere But Here

by Katie McGarry

Sadly it was continuity errors in Emily’s character that stopped me from clicking with her. Here are my thoughts on Emily from my original review of Nowhere But Here:

“The main bulk of this irritation came in the form of Emily. I like a main character that I can relate to and when I read the first page and read this…

“While some of my friends are all, “Woe is me, no one understands my traumatized soul,” I’m pretty happy. I like happy. I like simple. I like predictable and I hate surprises.”

I thought BINGO a character just like me and I felt the beginning of a bond. Emily doesn’t like to upset people and does things in an attempt to please people. unfortunately this doesn’t always please people the way she hoped… YES! I do that… yay! BOND! but then she started doing things that didn’t feel like it would fit her character… like she wouldn’t sit and talk to a dying (granted un-known) grandmother because she didn’t want to… but she’d eat a pulled pork burger to make Eli feel better even though she hates pork, hmmm I think the pork thing would have been easier to palm off than upsetting dying people… no? She started to act all bratty and unwilling to be open-minded or even listen and to me it was like someone was brushing my hair the wrong way, these are things I wouldn’t have done, and so my connection to her started to disintegrate”

8 Hannah from Thirteen Reasons Why

by Jay Asher

I almost didn’t include this one because the subject matter is so sensitive. Everyone deals with things in different ways and for me, I couldn’t connect with Hannah because I couldn’t see myself coming to the same conclusions and decisions she did. Doesn’t mean I didn’t understand her and her pain, just my reactions would have been different.

9 Alyssa and Jeb from Unhinged

by A G Howard

While I liked Alyssa and Jeb in the first book of Splintered I totally fell out of love with them in book 2. Here is a quote from my original review of Unhinged:

“I think one of the things that annoyed me most was Jeb. In Splintered, I found it cute that he was trying to be heroic and supportive but always seemed to get in the way or do something silly which ended with him having to be rescued but in this one he was just stupid, stubborn and was easily manipulated, leaving Alyssa upset and alone. This was another annoying thing, how much Alyssa mooned over him and got jealous of Jeb’s distracted attentions. Serious! Get a hobby! Grow some wings. Oh wait she did, and that was the better half of the book.”

10 Adam and Beth from You, Me and Other People

by Fionnuala Kearney

I didn’t find any characters in You, Me and Other People that I could connect with and this actually ended up being a DNF for me. Adam was to self absorbed to realise his decisions had consequences and Beth was to busy trying to cling to her status and money rather than actually sort out the emotional stuff that comes with a divorce. This is a contemporary novel and if you can’t connect with anyone there’s pretty much nothing else for you to get your teeth into.

pamspaein pamsms4tune


5 comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters You Just Didn’t Click With

  1. Jazmin Jade

    I totally agree with Hannah. I had to warn people not to read my review of that book because of some of the things I said about her and the subject matter. I also agree with Alyssa. I wont be finishing that series because I just cannot stand the characters. Great list!

    1. Ms4Tune

      I’m glad I wasn’t alone. It’s hard to be critical of something that is such a sensitive subject, I always feel like I’m going to upset a vulnerable person and that really isn’t my intention. I just want to voice that I didn’t like it. Good choice with Splintered. I was so disappointed by the end of the series. I felt it really wasn’t worth it. The first cover was beautiful though :)

  2. Dawnie @ beautificatinglife

    I felt like i was the only person that did not enjoy the Daughter of smoke and bones series as well, i am so happy to see someone else not liking that series that much or Karuo for that matter. She is on my list as well. :)
    Great lists :)

  3. Carrie

    I haven’t read any of these yet lol but I’m seeing several of them popping up in other lists today – may steer clear of those :) My TTT

    1. Ms4Tune

      hehe, always glad to help. Although personally, I loved Karou in Daughter of Smoke and Bone but I understand why Paein didn’t. So you never know! If they’re on everyone’s list though I would definitely think twice before picking up that book.

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