
Sum it up Sunday – December 2015


Sum it up Sunday is a feature post we are going to trial for the closing Sundays of each month. In these posts we’ll detail various things that have excited or upset us over that month. This, being the first, will cover perhaps more than the last month. If you’d like to join us in our summing up, please feel free! Just please, provide a link back to our blog. Thank you.

What are you reading right now?

Paein: Vampire Academy!

Ms4Tune: Frozen by Melissa De La Cruz


What was your favourite book last month and why?

Paein: I liked The Sand Prince by Kim Alexander. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it in the end, which surprised me. It was a slow start, but I really enjoyed being with Rhuun as he learnt about our world. I also enjoyed The Scarecrow King by Jill Myles. It reminded me a lot of Moontide by Mercedes Lackey, a novella published in the compilation Winter Moon published by Luna books, I think it’s set in her 500 Kingdoms world. Both stories involve a woman being forcibly married to a foolish man by their fathers. Men they eventually fall in love with. (I also enjoyed Best Left in the Shadows by Gellineau and King, but my review for that isn’t up for a few more days.)

Ms4Tune: Rend the Dark by Mark Gellineau and Joe King.
I’m not easily impressed when it comes to Novellas. I find they lack the depth that a full novel can deliver. But I have to say these short stories by Mark Gellineau and Joe King really pack a punch! Rend the Dark was my favourite so far and I’m so excited that they have auto approved me on Netgalley!

What was your least favourite book last month and why?

Paein: So I Married a Highlander by by Kate McKinley. I was looking forward to this one before I read it, half my family is from Scotland and I love it and after a long time away I realised I’ve missed it, so a book set there was an exciting prospect! Except the cultural aspects were rather off and the story was predictable, which isn’t always a problem but the ending was awful. A mix of all these things made this my least favourite book this month, sorry Kate.

Ms4Tune: Sad to say, The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston
This still got 3 stars from me so it really is my least favourite rather than I didn’t like it but still, I found it a little boring and monotonous in places and it was a little predictable towards the end. The redeeming quality was that the descriptions of the countryside were so beautiful you could imagine everything.

What do you want to read next?

Paein: I really wanted to re-read Harry Potter over the Christmas Holidays, there are a few days left! However, I also have 7 books on my netgalley profile I should probably be reading…So, your guess is as good as mine!

Ms4Tune: I think I may start this year off with Through the Woods by Emily Carroll. It will get me started on the 2016 Popsugar Challenge and it looks so cool!


What books are you hoping to collect this month?

Paein: I’d like this one, but the US cover (below) is so much nicer than the UK one. I might just wait for it to appear in the markets.


Ms4Tune: These two have been on my radar for months! I can’t wait to see if they are as good as they sound!

the impostor queen passenger

What book news excited you/is exciting you?

Paein: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!! I really should read the book before the film comes out…

Ms4Tune: Ever since I found out they were making it into a film I have been dying to see the 5th Wave. I loved books 1 & 2 of Rick Yancey’s series and I love Chloe as a actress! Finally January is here, and I get to see how this amazing series translates onto the screen.

5th wave

Anything you’re going to try and do more of this month?

Paein: Comment on other blogs/ respond to comments more. I have improved my home computer setup drastically, so my only excuse now is my ‘broken’ wordpress account, which is really no excuse at all. Google+ here I come?…

Ms4Tune: I went to the library for the first time in about 6 years yesterday! My husband laughed at how ridiculously excited I got. So with an updated card and two books to read, I think I’m going to aim to go to the library again this month. It’ll help me save some money!


pam id pics paeinpam id pics andpam id pics ms4tune


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