

Review: Dark Days Club

by Alison Goodman

dark days club pamsfive

“It is very beautiful.”
“Beautiful, indeed. But like so much in this world, it’s true worth is hidden inside.”
-Page 174


Review: Beastly Bones

by William Ritter

Ritter_BeastlyBones_jkt_COMP.indd pamsfour

“Miss Rook, on a scale of one to pomegranate, how dangerous would you say this situation has become?”
“On a scale of one to pomegranate? I should think…acorn. Possibly badger. Time alone will tell.”
-Page 7


Review: The Seventh Bride

by T. Kingfisher

the seventh bride pamsthree

“But it is somehow easier to face things when someone else is there.
Courage still does most of the heavy lifting,
but Pride gets its shoulders in there, too,
just to keep you from embarrassing yourself in front of the other person.”
- 17%


Spotlight: Labyrinth Lost

By Zoraida Córdova

labyrinth lost

Published: September 6, 2016
Hardcover, ISBN 9781492620945

I’ve been given the following information by the publisher of Labyrinth Lost.
I’m over half way through this amazing book now and I’m loving every minute of it.
This will be the perfect reading for the run up to Halloween and has a great Alice in Wonderland feel to it.
This post contains an extract of Labyrinth Lost, a link to a Rafflecopter Giveaway (unfortunately it is for Canada and the US only), links to everything you may need to know about Labyrinth Lost and … (what has me very excited) a link to a coloring page! It’s gorgeous just so you know!
ENJOY! and come back on Saturday for my full review!
